Customised Industrial Rotary Switches

Customised Rotary Switches

Proudly manufactured in South Africa

More than 20 years' experience in manufacturing standard and non-standard/customised switches In addition to standardised contact configurations, we offer our customers the opportunity to develop a contact configuration that meets their exact requirements.

Rolop Switch

Auxiliary contacts can be used as normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) contacts

Rolop Switch

Switches manufactured for Fortress Interlocks

Custom Handles

Rolop Industrial Rotary Switch

T-Bar paddlockable handle

Rolop Industrial Rotary Switch

Industrial Ball Handle Switch

Rolop Industrial Rotary Switch

T-Bar Handle

Wedge Diamond Handle

Wedge Diamond Handle

T-Bar Pistol Grip Key Lockable Handle

T-Bar Pistol Grip Key Lockable Handle

Pistol Grip, Pad-lockable Handle

Pistol Grip, Pad-lockable Handle